Monday, January 30, 2006


Final Writing Assignment

We need to get an organizational system of anger management because it may help us develop good health, respectable relationship with others, and flexible mind to meet foreigners.

Anybody can become angry but few people can contral their anger properly. Sometimes because of anger, we can lose our health. The author of " The Anger Factor" reports that some recent scientific studies have shown that venting hostility can stir up stress hormones in your body in a way that ultimately, could damage your heart. I agree with the author. Actually I think I am also a volcanic kind of guy. So I have experienced many times to express anger to my friends, colleagues and others. whenever I had vented my anger especially highly, I could feel some pressure on my heart. So I would like to consent to the author's report. Finally i would like to say that controling anger well is very good for someone's health so we have to prepare some reasonable system to manage anger.

The author refer to Williams' saying that " You have to effectively understand your feelings and find a means of calming yourself down." I also agree to this statement. Because when I get angry, I think the most important thing to do in advance is calming down. If I can not control my feelings rationally, I can make the problems more seriously and my anger also more than before. so understandings one's feelings and calming oneself down is very important factor to control one's anger. The author of " Manners, Emotions, and the American Way" reports that some people express their emotions even at the expense of the relationship, and manners seem to be rare." I have seen the same case of happenings very open. I agree that. So if we get a some rule for controlling anger we can not experiences that kinds of troubles and keep our
relationships better than before.

Different culture can lead to anger because people's culture and rules are not universal. For example, the author of " Manners, Emotions, and the American Way" reports that Because a major function of anger is to maintain the social order, through its moralizing implications of how people "should" behave, it is predictable that when two social orders collide they would generate angry sparks. These days we have many chances to meet foreigners. if we experience this kinds of mishap in our life, it may be a serious mistake. so we have to prepare proper methods to cope with that kinds of error.

The author of "The Great Catharsis Debate" cites ARISTOTLE's saying that " Anybody can become angry-that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the fight purpose, and in the right way-that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." I think we should think about it whenever we get angry. I may give us an important solution to control the anger effectively.

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